so it’s already 2010. I never make any resolutions because I don’t want to disappoint myself. But every year it’s always the same : I want to be better.

kalo keinginan ada banyak sekali. travel, buying items that makes me save every month, watching concerts, finding better job, better networking. It’s a never ending list. but here’s something new : getting married. I am lying if I said I’m not scared with that wish. and it’s not like I have marriage savings from my parents. I should save a lot.  Well, me and him. I have a person I feel I can be with, to create a family. I should say ‘bismillah’ and hope this is the right path and with the right man.

So if you ask, as some of people, all I can say, ‘pray for me it’s going well’.

Until then, I always between save my money or being youthful since I’m not married yet, so I wish to do things while I can when I am single. Married people said, “have fun now, while you can.” Let’s hope I am experiencing the fun I want this year 🙂